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It's time we make room.

Our dream is to be an Acts 2 church in the 21st century: a growing, Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, multicultural, multiethnic, multigenerational slice of heaven on earth. To help us accomplish this goal, we're excited to share that we will be adding a third service on Sunday mornings starting in November.

The goals of adding a third service on Sunday morning is to allow us to grow in number, grow in deeper connection with one another, and it fits the larger vision of where Immanuel Church is heading. When we add a third service, though for a time each service will be smaller in number, personal connection will increase.

This new service time will accommodate our growing congregation, provide more areas for adults and children to engage in meaningful worship and discipleship, open up more meeting spaces for Connect Groups, provide spaces for fellowship. Check out some frequently asked questions about what's happening below!

The 'Why' Behind Three Services:

Three Services
Frequently Asked Questions

Beginning November 3 will offer three services for Sunday morning worship:  8:30 | 10 | 11:30am

Check out some frequently asked questions about what will happen at Immanuel as we transition to holding three services on Sunday mornings.

Ready to Serve?

Service & Group Logistics

Will the same pastor preach in all three services?

Yes! All three services will have the same style of music and sermon. In addition, as we already experience now, each service will continue to have similar elements within the service like communion, prayer times, etc. Other worship experiences like baptisms, testimonies, child dedications, etc. may shift from time to time based on the numbers of people who are participating in those specific events and what service they attend.


Each service typically runs about 1 hour and 10 minutes…leaving plenty of time between services to grab a cup of coffee in the Café, chat with friends or make the transition into a Sunday Morning Connect Group or prepare to serve as a volunteer in the next service!


Which service should I plan to attend?

If you’re currently attending Immanuel, consider attending the 8:30am or 11:30am services, if at all possible. We anticipate the 10am service to be when most new guests will visit for worship, so we want to make as much room as possible in the Worship Center at that time.


I’m currently part of a Adult Connect Group on Sunday morning. Will my group still be meeting?

Check that out with your specific group leader. Currently, all of our meeting spaces are filled during each worship hour, so offering (3) services will open up new meeting spaces during each service. This summer, our group leaders will be meeting and determining which hour and in what spaces they will meet. Your current leader will let you know well before November 3 the new details.

Also be watching for NEW Sunday Morning Connect Groups and Workshop opportunities where you can jump in to build relationships and dig into God’s Word together!


Will there still be coffee available?!?!

Sure will! On November 3, coffee and tea will be moved from their current locations to one localized place in our Café/Youth Center which is easily accessible down the blue hallway off of the lobby. We’re still finalizing what other goodies may be available in the Café – but we’ll be sure to still provide coffee.

We anticipate that the Café will be open from 8am – 11am for adults to stop in between services. We will be requiring all children be involved in Kids Ministry or be with their parents and not be left unattended in the Café.

Check back for further Café updates as we get closer to November 3!


Are there additional opportunities to serve?

Yes, yes and yes! We’re convinced that serving at Immanuel is a core part of your growth as a follower of Jesus, so there are already plenty of opportunities to service at Immanuel on Sunday mornings (and throughout the week, as well!)

However, with three services, there are even more opportunities to serve as a Greeter, Usher, Kids Ministry group leader or assistant, a caregiver in the
nursery…join in with Tech Team on a camera or presenting the song lyrics and videos on the Worship Center screen…so many options!!

We strongly encourage you to consider WORSHIPPING in one service and SERVING during another – and if you have kids, our Kids Team would love for your children to stay with them for a different Kids Ministry experience during a second hour.

Click the link at the bottom of the page to learn more about the opportunities to serve at Immanuel.


When will the Worship Service be live streamed?

Yes – we will Livestream the 10am service and then you will be able to watch “on demand” once that service is over. Click here to view the most recent worship service: WATCH ONLINE

Did you know that we also stream the audio each week on Spotify, Apple Music, and where ever you get your podcasts? Listen to the sermon audio.

Kid's Ministry


How will this affect Immanuel’s Kids Ministry?

Kids Ministry will still run as usual, with options for kids in each service! 

Each service will offer full kids’ ministry (birth to 4th grade) to allow parents to freely choose their Worship Service and/or Connect Group time.

5th & 6th graders will meet during the 10am service in the Kids Wing.

Youth Ministry


What will there be for my teen to do?

Our main youth gathering will be Youth Group on Wednesday nights. During the school year we meet every Wednesday night from 6:30 to 8:30. Youth Group is made up of games, worship, a message, and small group time. This gives our teens from 7th-12th grade a chance to grow with God and grow with one another consistently.

On Sunday mornings there will be multiple options. Teens who are in 7th & 8th grade will be able to attend Roots at 8:30 AM. Roots is our Youth Bible Study where we dig into the Word of God together in depth. Teens who are in 9th-12th grade will have opportunities to worship & serve on a Sunday morning. Places to serve include kids ministry, tech team, worship team, and café team, communion team, and more.


Ready to Serve?

Click here to view & sign up for a position!

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